Hatu Patu Mythe Game

Our Github of this project:
For one of our school projects we had to choose a Myth and create a game around that with a team of 5 people.
For this project i made the character movement,movement of the mouse, timer system, Win, Lose and Start screen.
One of our team members made a little trailer of the game wich u can see here below!
We wanted to have a playable character so one of the first things that got done was making a character movement script, wich u can see here below
It wasnt the most difficult thing todo but we wanted it to be the best we could do and thats what happend in the end

For the Start i made a very short script wich just loads the scene where the game takes place in upon clicking the start button.

For the timer system i made a script wich displays a timer in the top left of the game wich is counting upwards as the goal is to complete the game as quick as possible.
I also choose the font for the text and made it red.

© 2021 DaneyLB